Monday, February 2, 2009

Little Things

Hello everyone! Just something that hit me and I thought I'd share. It's really kind of trivial-like so don't expect too much haha!

Anyway, it started off with me enrolling for my units these coming 2 semesters. The process was a lot longer and more complicated than it ought to be but to cut a long (and unnecessarily so) story short, I simply listed a bunch of units just so I wouldn't be fined for late enrollment and all that jazz.

A month after, Allocate Plus (Monash has it. I don't know what the other universities call em :D) was opening up so I realised that I couldn't slack anymore and had to get serious about choosing proper units to err shape my future haha. After like 2 hours of viewing, reviewing and comparing units...wouldn't you know. After constant changes and re-enrollment of units, I ended up with exactly the same units that I started out with.

Okay I know it seems really silly and maybe I'm reading too much into it but at that moment I suddenly laughed when I thought like hey that's so ironic! And then I thought of how God provides for us, and His timing and stuff. Like even way before things happen or the need for anything arises, He has and is paving the way for those things to happen. And He really does know what's best for us.

I was suddenly inspired to post this after such a big um lapse of time from that moment of 'epiphany'  to now because...
frankly I'm not looking forward to 2009 at all! I know I'm in 2009...but not exactly cos right now, it's like I'm in this timeless holiday zone lol. So I guess in a sense, my life starts when I hit the big Down Under again. And there's just going to be so many changes. So many new things. Like how my parents will be staying back here in Malaysia in my little brother while us 3 older kids stick around in Wantirna South. This totally has it's pros, but it has it's cons too. It's something new alright. And then of course I think I told 1 or 2 people that I'll be cell-leading next year for CF which is something completely new to me and exciting, but terrifying too. And then there's the job-thing, something I really want to do but terrified too cos I've never worked before (I know right I'm such a brat HAHA) and then there's learning how to drive at age 19...and worst of all uni. I hate uni actually. Like really. It makes me depressed lol.

So all these things are just making me so uncertain and apprehensive about 2009. And there are times when I think about it and I just feel like 'God, am I really going to go through with all this? It's impossible...I want out...blablabla' and then after which it will hit me once more that hey hello I'm like talking to God and asking redundant questions. Duh He'll walk me through! I've definitely seen that in 2008. Definitely, and I know He'll do it again.
So anyway today I had another one of those moments and I was writing this somewhere so I thought I'd share this with you guys too in case anyone is feeling not so good about this coming year. He has encouraged me yet again and hopefully this will encourage you somewhat too? :)
He'll really be there. Honest :D

I really love our LG. Okay I'm not sure if we're still calling it that but it'll always feel like la. Haha :)

re: ellejay

thanks for sharing your epiphany jen :) two praise points to make:

firstly, it is soo true that this year is overwhelming! the subjects are big and im feeling the tug already. but it is so essential that we as christians still smile at the world because OUR GOD IS IN CONTROL AND HE SETS AHEAD OF US THE PATH THAT IS BEST FOR US:)

nathan brown once shared with me that as christians, christ bore our sins and shame on the cross, so we should not have any reason to be ashamed of anything or afraid of anything. in the same vein, if anyone has a reason to smile, that person is a christian because that person is the only person who knows that God is in control :) and when we acknowledge that he is in control and we smile at the world in light of that fact, those around us can only wonder, why the calmness?


secondly, thanks for remembering the epiphany so that it could be shared :p hahaha